Step into Overflow. A Journey of aligned Sales + Soul Magic.

Tap into the energetics of how to sell from your Soul Magic. Build confidence in your marketing and develop a sales strategy sourced in your unique style and flow. 

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The Year of The Rainmaker 

The SINATIA Quest MMXXIV takes you on a journey of opening yourself up for the down pouring of abundant business. This signature annual event opens a portal for self discovery and massive acceleration. Our theme this year: Rainmaker. 


Rainmaker - OVERFLOW: Sales + Soul Magic includes two live calls per month + personalized mentorship in a private FB Community. This group journey is a fluid energetic container that offers ritual, embodiment, focused course work, and integration. 

What you will learn: 

  • The Rainmaker Ritual 
  • Soul led Sales Strategies
  • Create Aligned offers
  • Heart felt sales + client commitments
  • Define your client values
  • Explore Soul Magic 
  • Master Selling everyday
  • Remove fear and hesitation 
  • Grow your following
  • Develop your voice as a coach and mentor
  • Daily Marketing with ease
  • Soul stream your launch strategy
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Are you ready to...

✔️ End the era of uncomfortable sales; embrace confidence and authenticity in every transaction.

✔️ Break free from rigid goals; explore sales with openness to abundant outcomes.

 ✔️ Replace inauthentic tactics with a strategy that's vibrant and true to you.

✔️ Understand you're part of a bigger picture in creating your success; it's not all on you.

✔️ Join the forefront of a new business era powered by heart, soul, and energy vibrations.

Not for you if...

✔️ You don't believe in integrating magic into business.


Ideal for you if...

✔️ You want to communicate your offers with unmatched clarity and confidence.

✔️ You're ready to boldly claim your big, audacious goals.

✔️ You aspire to price your services proudly, earn significantly, and showcase your authentic self.

✔️ You aim to work with dream clients who are excited to invest in what you offer

✔️ You're committed to enhancing your mastery, impact, and legacy through what you love.

OVERFLOW: Sales + Soul Magic


One time payment

  • Private high vibe FB Community.
  • 2 Live Calls per month.
  • Personalized Mentorship.
  • A journey to mastering selling, launching, marketing, and soul led sales strategies.
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OVERFLOW: Sales + Soul Magic

6 x $222

6 monthly payments

  • Private high vibe FB Community.
  • 2 Live Calls per month.
  • Personalized Mentorship.
  • A journey to mastering selling, launching, marketing, and soul led sales strategies.
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OVERFLOW: Sales + Soul Magic

12 x $111

12 monthly payments 

  • Private high vibe FB Community.
  • 2 Live Calls per month.
  • Personalized Mentorship.
  • A journey to mastering selling, launching, marketing, and soul led sales strategies.
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6 Months of Aligned Sales, Soul Magic + Live Mentorship. 

When sales feel heavy, your business will always struggle to thrive. When we are creating from our Soul's Capacity, there is always room for exponential growth. The journey to overflow is about developing soul led strategies that evolve with you at every stage in your business.

Join me in a Quest of aligned Sales + Soul Magic. Take the next step into overflow.

NOTE: Rainmaker - Overflow: Sales + Soul Magic - is a six month quest of self discovery on soul aligned sales mastery. This program, hosted by SINATIA is a signature annual event that taps into an energetic thread and follows it as the magic develops.


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